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Сообщения, опубликованные Maximilian

  1. 17 Аркан

    из цикла Файербол-3

    10 Занятий

    С 23 Марта в 16:00 по Москве по Субботам и Воскресеньям.


    Мы с вами закончили цикл занятий “Файербол-2”, после которого вы должны были научиться использовать энергии физического мира. Мы с вами познакомились с тремя основными религиями, с энергиями, на которых они основаны. А также мы познакомились с принципом записи этих энергий на талисманы. Соответственно, в рамках “Файербол-2” мы учились использовать эти энергии. Мы выяснили, что каждый аркан имеет свои сидхи, или высшие способности, который связаны с полным проведением энергий данного аркана. Т.е. человек, который проводит энергию аркана целиком, полностью на него настроен, становится Сиддхартой. Также разбирали, какие качества дает каждый аркан. Магия физического мира - это магия первого уровня. То, что мы с вами делали в цикле “Файербол-2”, входит в разряд того, что делают маги первого уровня. При переходе с первого уровня на второй происходит переход и на другой уровень энергий. И маги второго уровня находятся как бы в другой энергетической области. Маги первого уровня живут ниже 17-го аркана, который проводит границу между физическим и астральным планом. Когда мы переходим границу 17-го аркана, мы входим в зону нижнего астраля.



    Практическая работа в Дружном Магическом Коллективе.
    Исключительно на основе технологий Магистра.
    Раскручиваемся перед каждым занятием - работаем с сублимацией энергией и со здоровьем.
    Занятия по 2-3 часа, с фиксацией полученного состояния - группой на последних двух занятиях. 


    1. Структурирование магического сознания. 
    2. Сдвиг Точки Сборки в магическую позицию.
    3. ‎Выход из религиозных и других Эгрегоров, негативно влияющих на наше развитие.
    4. Работа с энергетическими блоками Чакр (страхи, обиды и т.д.).
    5. Работа в состояниях Сатори (выход из тела ментальным интегралом).
    6. Работа с Ментальными Профилями.

    7. Работа с Богами.
    8. Индивидуальное подключение к Лордам Территории.
    9. Работа с печатями Гильдий.
    10. ‎Фиксации состояний и воздействия Эгрегором Группы.


    Основная Цель нашего Командорства - перенос текущего сознания в следующую жизнь.

    Отзывы о пройденных курсах

    Записаться на курс


    Также вы будете добавлены в постоянно действующую группу анонсов Скайпа, где мы обсуждаем все Магические темы, куда можно записаться отдельно.

  2. Магическое путешествие в поисках сокровищ Катаров.

    1. Одним из результатов Крестовых походов, было проникновение в Европу духовных знаний Востока.
    2. Учения Манихеев и Альбигойцев попав в Европу породили новое духовное явление: движение Катаров.
    3. Внутри этого движения сразу выделились Учителя (мастера), послушники (ученики) и миряне (светские люди разделявшие духовные ценности Катаров). 
    4. Мастера этого учения практиковали особые упражнения в следствии которых получали некие качества Ментальных тел.
    5. Само слово Катар происходит от Катарсис (очистка) и касается технологии очистки Монады от неких негативных качеств. 
    6. Эти негативные качества, связаны с возможностью зацепления Монады и ее воплощения в физическом теле.
    7. Таким образом Мастера Катары работали с темой разрыва колеса Сансары и прекращением цикла рождений на физическом плане (Сефира Малькут).
    8. Стремление к освобождению от физических тел, привело к победе крестоносцев, посланных Ватиканом на разгром еретического учения.
    9. Усилия Мастеров были направлены на спасение учеников и мирян, но не на личное спасение, как согласно учению Катаров, освобождение от тела является целью для достигших совершенства. Вместе с тем их учение категорически отрицало самоубийство. Поэтому костры инквизиции Катары рассматривали как некий идеальный способ «вознесения» и перехода на новый уровень. 
    10. Провинция Тулуза, сосредоточившая в себе основные центры Катаров, была местом проведения очень специфического эксперимента в духовной области. 
    11. Учение ранних христиан соединилось с учением Манихеев и Альбигойцев и породило некую особую религию и особую практику.  Катары добились особых успехов соизмеримых с достижениями известных христианских святых.
    12. Данная экспедиция направлена на поиски следов Великих духовных практиков Европы. 
    13. Не найденные крестоносцами сокровища Катаров имеют не материальный характер и возможно ценнее обычных материальных сокровищ.
    14. Мы предпринимаем первую серьёзную экспедицию Ассоциации за сокровищами Европейских Магов. Приглашаем в поездку всех старших сотрудников Ассоциации.    


    В поисках святого Грааля. 
    1. Внутренняя Алхимия.
    2. В поисках божественной сомы.
    3. По следам Грааля.
    4. Образ Бога.
    5. Католический Эгрегор.
    6. Получение формулы Творения.
    7. Черная Богиня и культ 3А.




    Работа с ментальным телом в аспекте Шлема Ра.

    1. Технологии Шлема Ра.
    2. Ментоскопирование.
    3. Создание персональной Ментаграммы.
    4. Форсирование сознания.
    5. Прописывание Дара.
    6. Внутренний Сервис.


    1. Поиск ментальных программ.
    1.1. Определение ментальных программ.
    1.2. Отпечатки ментальных программ.
    1.3. Признаки ментальных программ.
    1.4. Школы формирующие ментальные программы
    1.6. Ментальные программы разного уровня
    1.7. Эзотерический социум как рынок ментальных программ.
    1.8. Экзотерические формы обучения.
    1.9. Метод печатей.
    1.10. Магические печати.

    2. Фиксация ментальных программ.
    2.1. Метод мандал.
    2.2. Метод зелий.
    2.3. Метод слепков.
    2.4. Метод отливок.
    2.5. Артефакты передачи.
    2.6. Рукописи.
    2.7. Картины.
    2.8. Скульптуры.

    3. Копирование ментальных программ.
    3.1. Принцип копирования.
    3.2. Смещение в призрак.
    3.3. Получение оттиска.
    3.4. Фиксация.
    3.5. Создание области для записи.
    3.6. Внешние устройства записи.
    3.7. Проекция записи вверх и вниз.
    3.8. НЧ татуировки.
    3.9. Пришивание энергетических структур.
    3.10. Пирсинг и биоимпланты.
    3.11. Проекция биоимплантов.

    4. Использовпние полученного Дара.
    4.1. Анализ ментала.
    4.2. Фиксация текущего уровня по диапазонам.
    4.3. Выделение дельты после копирования.
    4.4. Признаки Дара.
    4.5. Проекция на папиллярные линии.
    4.6. Выделение Дара, как образа.
    4.7. Привязка Дара к внешнему устройству.
    4.8. Активизация Дара через внешнее устройство.
    4.9. Определенние типа Дара.

    В процессе нашего путешествия, проходила серия видеотрансляций Магистра, которую можно приобрести отдельно.

    Цена 15т.

    В этой же теме пишите свои отчёты и отзывы.


  3. Женский ритуал - "Богиня".

    8 Марта в 17:00 по Москве,

    Работа с Каналами Богини Бастет и Богини Афродиты.

    Включение в женских союзников.

    Подключение к Каналам Богини Бастет и Афродиты.




    • Like 4
    • Спасибо 1

    С 10 Марта в 16:00 по Москве по Субботам и Воскресеньям.

    По 3 занятия на Аркан.

    2 занятия теория и практика, 3 - фиксация состояния.
    Всегда есть возможность подключиться к изучению какого-либо из Арканов.

    22, 21, 19 и 20 Арканы пройдены - есть записи.





                Энергия этого аркана необходима для того, чтобы начать думать, чтобы начать двигаться по пути эволюции. Путь – это переход между кастами. Что бы вы ни делали, вы в основном двигаете Точку Сборки в горизонталях. А 18-я карта – это сдвиг Точки Сборки вверх либо вниз, но это – путь, то есть это-движение Точки Сборки по вертикали. Это эволюция, эволюция сознания. Если вы на какого-нибудь несчастного наведёте эту энергию, то его уровень сознания начнёт меняться. Соответственно, если вы эту энергию проводите через себя, то вы тоже эволюционируете, выходите на какую-то другую ступень. Смысл эволюции заключается в том, что каждую ступеньку надо освоить. Есть люди, которые вихрем пролетают вверх, не задерживаясь ни на одной ступеньке. Но это ни к чему хорошему не приводит, только к синякам. Для того чтобы перейти с одной ступеньки на другую, нужно приподняться, оторваться от плоскости. Так вот, энергии 18-го аркана вас и отрывают от плоскости. Они дают возможность подняться на следующую ступеньку либо скатиться вниз. В этой карте заложено два варианта: эволюция и инволюция.



    Практическая работа в Дружном Магическом Коллективе.
    Исключительно на основе технологий Магистра.
    Раскручиваемся перед каждым занятием - работаем с сублимацией энергией и со здоровьем.
    Занятия по 2-3 часа, с фиксацией полученного состояния - группой на последних двух занятиях. 


    1. Структурирование магического сознания. 
    2. Сдвиг Точки Сборки в магическую позицию.
    3. ‎Выход из религиозных и других Эгрегоров, негативно влияющих на наше развитие.
    4. Работа с энергетическими блоками Чакр (страхи, обиды и т.д.).
    5. Работа в состояниях Сатори (выход из тела ментальным интегралом).
    6. Работа с Ментальными Профилями.

    7. Работа с Богами.
    8. Индивидуальное подключение к Лордам Территории.
    9. Работа с печатями Гильдий.
    10. ‎Фиксации состояний и воздействия Эгрегором Группы.


    Основная Цель нашего Командорства - перенос текущего сознания в следующую жизнь.

    Отзывы о пройденных курсах

    Записаться на курс


    Также вы будете добавлены в постоянно действующую группу анонсов Скайпа, где мы обсуждаем все Магические темы, куда можно записаться отдельно.


  5. Работа по созданию Патрона - проект "Новый Воздух"

    С 9 Марта, 16 занятий

    по субботам и воскресеньям в 20:00 по Москве.




    Когда вы начали заниматься каким-то магическими практиками, то вы начали не только прописывать у себя уровень Анахата Чакры, но вы начали одновременно прописывать у себя и следующие уровни. Вы так или иначе имеете дело с многомерной вселенной. И, занимаясь постижением того, что выходит за пределы трёх измерений, вы так или иначе взаимодействуете с миром на уровне более высоких Чакр, соответственно, у вас прописываются более высокие уровни, и в вас постепенно формируется некое высшее существо. Причём это существо формируется как на уровне Вишуддха Чакры, так и на уровне Аджна Чакры и на уровне Сахасрара Чакры. Можно сказать, что каждый, занимающийся магией, формирует в Магонии некую свою проекцию, которая постепенно уплотняется.

    Эта проекция личности, которая формируется в Магонии, называется, словом, Патрон. Слово "патрон" означает опеку, покровительство. То есть вы, занимаясь магическими практиками, формируете у себя некоего Патрона, некое высшее существо, которое находится в Магонии и которое связано с вами, является в значительной степени частью вас и формируется в ходе любых магических практик. Магическими практиками называются любые практики, которые выходят за пределы обычных трёх измерений, обычного трёхмерного мира, обычных взаимодействий.
    Когда вы приходите в церковь, и не просто как в какое-то место, а как в дом бога с местом, в котором вы можете войти в контакт с неким высшим существом, то вы там считываете какую-то высокочастотную составляющую, с ней взаимодействуете, и она на вас оставляет оттиск. Вы приходите в какое-то место силы, место, где есть ВЧ-составляющие, и взаимодействуете с этим местом силы, получаете некий оттиск, некий след на своём ментальном теле, это вас прописывает. Вы взаимодействуете с людьми, у которых больше, чем у вас проработано ментальное тело (так называемые учителя), и, взаимодействуя с их ментальным телом, вы на себя переносите информацию, которая у них там записана. Та информация, которая записывается в диапазоне Аджна Сахасрара, формирует Патрона.

     Существует мощный процесс, который описан в разделе "Новый Воздух" (процесс формирования нового поколения людей, обладающих мощными психическими способностями) - развития человечества.

    Это некое универсальное понятие известное ещё с периода античной культуры. Суть этой концепции состоит в периодическом исчезновении из этого мира Иллюминатов (Просветлённых). Их появление и уход представляет собой периодический процесс, наподобие волн.

    Маги проходят период развития от 17 до 9 Арканов (практики с двоек по десятки) за некоторое время. Далее они уходят в Магонию оставив учеников, которые тоже проходят этот путь за такой же период. Таким образом появление Магов 4.2-4.3. процесс периодический, повторяющийся и именно он называется Новый Воздух. Дело в том, что по своей мощи эти существа (проводящие Арканы: 11, 12, 13, 10, 3, 5, 7) вполне подходят под определение Богов. Когда они занимают свои ниши, то возникает Новый Олимп. Когда они уходят то образуется пустота, занимаемая монотеистическими религиями (всегда присутствующими в мире). Этот процесс легко проследить на примере расцвета и увядания монотеистических религий (религий пустоты, где антропоморфный Бог, или Боги, отсутствует, и замещается некой формулой бесконечности). Падение монотеистических систем под ударами язычников (ведомых Богами) знаменует собой появление новых хозяев Олимпа. А разгром язычества и распространение монотеизма -их уход. Сейчас наступает период Нового Воздуха в связи с чем мы и активизируем проекты Вертикальной Эволюции, порождающие Магов 4.2-4.3. Маги Атлантиды достигли апогея развития к 5-1 веку до н.э., когда и совершили переход. Возможно, это была далеко не первая волна. Их ученики обрели достаточную форму к периоду Эпохи Возрождения (Язычества), когда после периода средневековья и господства монотеистов вновь появляются языческие символы. В 20 веке появилась целая волна Иллюминатов, приведшая к столкновению систем, однако старая система устояла. Сейчас идёт новая волна, характеризующаяся появлением "религий нового времени" имеющих сильных лидеров (потенциально 4.2). Этот проект предназначен для создания мощной Силы (4.2-4.3) способной удержать мир от потрясений подобных 2 мировой войне (столкновение старой монотеистической системы и новых язычников). Тот, кто встанет на пути этого процесса будет отодвинут в сторону. Развитие психических способностей человека и технологий, основанных на этих способностях, является одним из основных направлений науки 21 века. Четыреста лет назад, Боги, очередной раз покинули этот мир и ушли в Магонию. Сейчас мы начинаем новый набор. Олимп ждёт. Вакансии открыты. Храмы 9 Сил ждут Новых Богов. Проект Новый Воздух близок к началу. Этот центральный Проект. Остальные проекты будут с ним тесно взаимодействовать.




    Практическая работа в Дружном Магическом Коллективе.
    Исключительно на основе технологий Магистра.
    Раскручиваемся перед каждым занятием - работаем с сублимацией энергией и со здоровьем.
    Занятия по 2-3 часа, с фиксацией полученного состояния - группой на последних двух занятиях. 


    1. Структурирование магического сознания. 
    2. Сдвиг Точки Сборки в магическую позицию.
    3. ‎Выход из религиозных и других Эгрегоров, негативно влияющих на наше развитие.
    4. Работа с энергетическими блоками Чакр (страхи, обиды и т.д.).
    5. Работа в состояниях Сатори (выход из тела ментальным интегралом).
    6. Работа с Ментальными Профилями.

    7. Работа с Богами.
    8. Индивидуальное подключение к Лордам Территории.
    9. Работа с печатями Гильдий.
    10. ‎Фиксации состояний и воздействия Эгрегором Группы.


    Основная Цель нашего Командорства - перенос текущего сознания в следующую жизнь.

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  6. Introduction to the World of Magic.


    This paradigm is dedicated to the idea of the vertical (fast) evolution of consciousness of personality, where you'll learn about magic and who are the Mages. You will be able to see the world through the eyes of Mages. Your thinking will be gradually reconstructed and you, from an intellectual level, revise the model of the world and of yourself.

    From childhood we are taught to perceive the world in a certain way, long and carefully taught, and taught so well that we forgot that this is just one of the options of perception, not the most optimal. Later, when the level of your awakening expands, the terminology of the Mages will become obvious to you and no longer just intellectual paradigm. But this path to becoming a Mage is long and difficult. Someone will develop very quickly, someone will go slower.




    First steps.

    Usually, everyone who climbs the Magic is trying to wave his hands and perform strange rituals, i.e. climbing in Magic without the head. This leads to their great surprise, when something suddenly turns. And then begins a long run to the Mages and psychics with the requests to FREE THEM FROM THIS. Theoretical training will help you match your experience and experience of other Mages. This does not mean that it drives you to narrow (THIS IS THE ONLY WAY). It will expand your awareness about (AND SO IT IS POSSIBLE TOO). It would be nice to see you have formed your opinion of Magic, your own position (BASE, THAT YOU WILL ENHANCE BY YOUR EXPERIENCE). The fact, that in the Magic quoted individuality. The word "WE" here does not pass. By the way here is obviously you can track the difference between school of self-development and the sect. Here is listed only "I", because self-own development is a personal decision. This means that all the “uncle's level” and power, be it sacred Baba or powerful demigod – is “uncle’s achievements”, and your level you deserve yourself. So, we give you semi-processed goods, you digest it all until the assimilation. Do not be greedy, you should have a sense of internal model, which is fully in tune with you – your “path with heart”. This means that this model is hooked up with your personality, became a part of it. This will allows you to change and after change of yourself – you will begin to change your model. Create a support-confidence, without which, you'll only puppets, manipulators, who practiced “uncle’s level” and work on the “uncle”. For example, in the presence of “uncle” you could something turns out, and when you are alone - no. This is a typical example of what this quality you do not have inside, it is in an "uncle". We currently pay in mind that any model – it's just a model. That the reality – far more unintelligible and confusing than all the models together. That when run into the Real Magic – ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. But the model will allow your mind does not fall into a coma in a collision with the unknown, it's actually not so little. And your "I", not fallen into a hysteric, can enrich their model by external acquired knowledge and gain a foothold on a new level. And another thing: do not take things too seriously. Serious people in the Magic get serious kicks and believe that they are serious hurt. Humour helps to reduce the importance of, and less importantly – faster succumb to change. At this stage, you attunes to the base state adoption of new information – “finding a path in life”. Mage of first level has already found its way (passed 18th Arcana).



    Acceptance of information.


    Each theory has a key. The key to the theory is a condition, in which it was written and what is meant by these words the author. Without it, words are empty. In this case there are disputes with the empty top of the page (for example, scriptures, manuscripts, the theory of relativity, etc.). There are some, who are trying to be the mouthpiece of the Gods. Therefore, when dealing with the pure theory, a vicious circle is coming out. For a complete understanding must state, at a time, as this work is describes this state. That is why people – theorists in Magic, too often fall into the trap of their own thought forms. The barrier is natural and it is useless to fight with. Different people have different knowledge is true.



    Scepticism and fanatism.


    There is a different approach to reading literature – reading should hold the state of "acceptance". Be able to accept the new and not only in words, but take all of your heart, your own essence - is the first step of adept. State of scepticism, which occurs constantly when reading the Magic literature, is nothing but an attempt to slow down (it’s only one set of brakes). It can be confused with blind faith or fanatical, but it is not. State of acceptancework Anahata Chakra and is available on the first level of Magic (taking heart – close to the truth). This is a completion of its own microchip, own structures of the consciousness by this signal. Output signal is changed; where in quiet mode is processed with no lowering of the signal down to the level below. This is allows you to fill your cup with knowledge.

    Blind faith is – fanaticism, occurs when there is no link for a model of consciousness and unwillingness to think and to complete construction of this model (mainly arises from the Warriors). Fanatics – they are good conductors (wires) are in a trance, but they do not shape the signal itself, and work out his "feet" on their level. Since with these people do not talk about anything.





    Surely you have your own understanding of Magic. This view often creates a strong filter and does not provide new information for you to get to you. Try to clean your ideas and look at the material, provided to you, without them. Some of the material may cause the rejection, what is natural and it indicates that your idea about this stuff does not correspond to reality. But this is not to say that the material is wrong .Your doubts may be sincere – do not perceive this piece of knowledge, that resides outside of your world view. And such people can grasp and complete it, unlike people who think that everything knows and understands, though not possess real knowledge subject.

    Ability to realize the lack of knowledge and incomprehension – it is the first step to knowledge.




    Overflow the bowl.

    Once you can accept the knowledge that you are confronted with a barrier, "the cup overflow 'when you can not continue to" take. "A state where there is an answer, but there is no question of your inner, inner needs. In this state, to meditate on the adoption of knowledge to fully grasp, trying to get in depth, "find the essence."Meditate on every line, because in every line there is a generalized experience of many states. When states become accessible to you, you are approaching the limits of knowledge and you have lots of questions, your consciousness expands.Your bowl is increased and you can read materials on, even if there is written is not about that.



    Interaction with the system.

    Next, we consider one more important going for each stage – the work on the system.If a person is involved in working with Hot-swappable, so this leg, at which the system rests, something magical about the development of this human difficult.In order to begin to develop themselves as part of the system, you must obtain "permission to the spirit."Necessary that the system "gave the green light for development of itself. To practice the first level, enough self wants and desires. To practice the second level is not enough, we must "permit system". Now the time was born quite a lot of mages 1 level and their society is already quite large. This means that the time to serve T he system can be reduced and be able to "access" quickly enough.In this case, under the system we mean what is described as the "Spirit" in K. Castaneda, a Reason Planet.


    In a healthy body – healthy mind.

    You take a step and enter into another area of space. It has its own laws. When you turn there is an effect of call in the launching. This means that h jerk felt by both sides.In developing the pulse energy at the level of physics, what happens to people who can not absorb the momentum of his consciousness, the body begins to rattle and fall apart. So your experience of training in martial arts, qigong and yoga will benefit. These disciplines clean energy channels in the body, strengthen the skeleton of the body and its ability to not fall apart. If you do not have such experience, we recommend that salt baths with aromatic additives.



  7. The Sacred Book of Thoth

    By Boris Monosov

    Translated by Svetlana & Gennady Kuznetsov


    Chapter 1.
    Concept of the Thoth Major Arcane


    The Sephiroth Tree and the concept of the Sephirotic Magic.


    Magic is a system of the ancient knowledge left behind after the destruction of the Atlantis Civilization. People of Atlantis have been very advanced in psycho- and bio- technologies. In the process of researching the properties of the Earth biosphere Atlantis scientists have discovered that our planet possesses of the consciousness that is very different from that of the human. The same time the consciousness of the mankind constitutes an essential part of the planetary consciousness. Atlantis scientists produced a diagram of energy circulation in the channels of the planetary consciousness. This diagram has been named “Sephiroth Tree” or “The Tree of Life”.


    On this diagram the centres of the excitation of the planetary consciousness named “Sephiroths” depicted as globes, and vectors of the energy circulation named “Channels” presented as lines. This reflects the view of the Atlantean on the structure and functionality of the planetary consciousness. Atlantean also developed the methods of fine-tuning of the human consciousness to the planetary consciousness. By using these methods Atlantis Magicians were able to control the processes on the Earth as well as the physical properties of the space in her vicinity.


    The ability of human being to interact with planetary consciousness has been later called “the Sephirotic Magic”. After the destruction of the Atlantis Civilisation following by dozens of millenniums, the arising Ancient Egypt civilisation was able to restore and to use successfully the lost knowledge of Atlantis.


    According to the ancient legend the well-known Crown of Ra was a tool for telepathic reading of the ancient Atlantis books. With the use of this artefact the priests of the House of Thoth have studied the information written on metallic disks, Altanteans used for preserving their knowledge.  This information then has been interpreted and re-written on papyrus. The collection of those papyruses was combined into the manuscript with the title of   “The Sacred Book of Thoth”


    This book was a key to the powerful Egyptian magic. Using knowledge from this book, wise Egyptian priests were able to predict events and influence a future. Using their minds they travelled into the distant past and rediscovered lost technologies. There are some hypothesises that Ancient Egyptians knew the colour photography, have made rechargeable battery and luminescent light in a form of fluorescent glass bulb with radioactive substance. The other example of application of ancient knowledge is when Moses, as an apprentice of the Egyptian priests, used “The Sacred Book of Thoth” to create a path across the Dead See for his people. The see gave way to the Moses, but drown the Pharaoh’s army.


    However the progress of the magic art in Ancient Egypt has changed its direction towards Necromancy. With the use of  one part of “The Sacred Book of Thoth”, which describes the methods of work with the World of Dead (now known as “Egyptian Book of Dead” or “Nekrominicon”), priests started to revive dead bodies, construct horrible zombies and use mummification principles to create bodies for the demons.

    This came into the conflict with the fundamental principle of Magic – the Balance of Living and Dead. In these circumstances the Guild of Magicians has declared a war in order to destroy those cults. With clear understanding of the power of the enemy the Egyptian priests haven’t got other choice but to prepare to die. Possessing the technique of reincarnation the priests were not afraid of death, but they wanted to preserve the knowledge that gives them mighty power.


    There is a well known legend about the secret meeting of the priests just before the nomads “Hikos” strike the Egyptian Empire. There has been a single question on the agenda: how to preserve the knowledge. The legend tells that only three options have been suggested: to curve text on stone tablets and hide it in the mountains, to make the golden plates with text and hide them underneath of Great Pyramid and finally to create a gambling game and popularize it. Later the stone tablets were found by Moses on the Sinai Mountain, the golden plates are still missing, but the card game became widely popular in the modern world.


    The deck of cards created by Egyptian priests has been named Taro or Ta-rot. It is a predecessor of all known kinds of playing-cards. The cards hold the text of “Sacred Book of Thoth” written with Sacred Hieroglyphic script. This script has been designed so that it can only be understood on the intuitive level and only by the people familiar with the Secret Magical Keys. It was only the knowledge of those Magical Keys the priests would take with them into the beyond.


    Later Moses described those Magical Keys in his “Book of Revelation” where he included the full description of few cards. For example the story about the Temptation of Adam in fact is just a description of the 6-th Major Arcane. Subsequently legendary King Solomon depicted the keys in the manuscript known as “The Key of Solomon The King”. Currently only a small part from the book written in 14th century survived.  There is also an assumption that the famous “Book of Abraham the Jew,” of Nicholas Flamel represents a partial description of few cards of a Minor Arcane written by unknown Jewish Magician.


    Channels, Arcanas and Magic Circles.


    The Tarot Desk contains two parts: Major and Minor Arcane. The Major Arcane consists of 22 cards describing the Sephirotic Magic. Generally this part of Magic is called Ritual Magic and dedicated to the methods of influence upon planetary processes. The Cards of this Arcane include instructions for Magician how to adjust consciousness in tune with the Channels of the Sephirotic Tree.


    People are usually conveying several Arcane at the same time. As to magicians, their consciousness set up to conduct single Arcane. In this case the efficiency of the influence on planetary processes by mind is far greater.


    The group of Magicians conducting energy of the same Arcane forms the Magic Circle. The minds of Magicians of the Magic Circle actively interact with each other, attuning to the energy of this particular Channel.




    The Tarot Cards contain instructions on how to tune consciousness to a “frequency” of the Channel. These instructions are written in symbols called “Glyphs”. Each glyph symbolises one or more particular functions or state.


    The Major Arcane Cards are distributed along the helix, where properties of the energy reiterated. Thus, the 1st Arcane Card somehow matches the 10th Arcana’s Card (10=1+0=1) and the 19th Arcana’s Card (19=1+9=10=1). Each Card of the Major Arcane includes a “picture” (glyphs), a character (phoneme), a number and astrological meaning. The transcript of the Card explains the method of tuning into the Channel. The Phoneme describes “frequency characteristic” of a Channel. The card number represents the interaction of this Channel with the others.


    For example, the “quality” of the energy of the 5th Channel is equal to the sum of the “qualities” of the 4th and the 1st Channel’s energies. The Astrological Meaning of the Card allows to determine variations of the behaviour of the energy with time. By using astrological dependencies it is possible to determine maximum and minimum of the energy of the given Channel. In accordance to this astrological dependency the relevant Magic Circle is activated.


    The work with the Minor Arcane is the key to the Alchemy. The Magicians, who acquired mastery of working with the Elements, which is hidden in the glyphs of the Minor Arcane, gain the power over the Matter. The Minor Arcane consists of 56 cards, which in turn is divided into four denominations (or – Elements) with 14 cards (Grades) in each. The four Magical Elements defined as follows: The Swords – element of Fire; The Wands – element of Air; The Pentacles – element of Earth; The Cups – element of Water.


    When the work with the Major Arcane allows to manipulate the energies and processes within the Earth, the Minor Arcane covers the Universe. When moving around the grades of the Minor Arcane from “Twos” to “Aces”, the Magician is shifted towards the verges of the Universe. In this case this is not a travel in 3-dimensional space, but rather movements within the structure of the space towards to the boundaries, which separate our Universe from other Universes, built with other Elements. Adjoined to ours will be those with at least one element that matches at least one of the elements in our Universe. Thus, the Worlds of Fire represent the Universes, which contains at least element of Fire.


    Traditionally these elements associated with well known to the science aggregative states of a matter. For that the Fire corresponds to the plasma, the Earth – to solid matter; the Water – to the liquid and the Air – to the gases. In addition these elements form different aspects of metric of a space: the Fire – energy; the Earth – density (information); the Water – time and the Air – chaos (entropy).


    Fireball and working with the Major Arcane.


    Fireball is a system of the exercises with energy, underlying the whole system of Sephirotic Magic. It explains the methods of working with Major Arcane of Taro.


    All kinds of Magical Rituals are being described in various Magical treatises. However, despite of wide variety of forms, all come to an attempt of inclusion into the same 22 Channels of the Sephirot Tree. Sacrifices, making potions and elixirs, casting spells and creating all sorts of artefacts, in the upshot all have one purpose – to integrate one’s consciousness with the energy of the Planetary Channels.


    For altering consciousness to transfer the energy of the Channels one can use the technique of Arcane Decoding described in the books of the Fireball series. Once united with these Channels, the highest abilities inherent to the Channels (the Sidhis or supernatural powers) can be achieved. Depending on the direction of energy circulation, Sidhis can be applied internally or externally. There are two main directions of the energy circulation through the human body. One of them called The Dao’s Circle and implies bottom-up flow of the energy. In that case External Energy, modulated by the individual’s mind, directed further to impact on external objects. Another one is a top-down flow of the energy. (Reverse Circle). In this case the modifications happen in the magician himself.

    Audio Arcanas.

    A new method has been created for adjusting consciousness in tune with the Channels of the Sephirotic Tree. This method uses the acoustic energy generated by audio system. However, it is not meant to be used by listening, but rather the energy should be absorbed by entire body. Based on the states, attained when engaged via Taro Cards, the sequence of audio records in a form of program has been created. These audio records contain active signals that adjust the state of individual for receiving the energy of the Channel. They can be played on ordinary audio system, although the best results could be achieved with the purpose-built emitter.


  8. Angel, who came in from the cold.

    I got in this world quite by accident. Just run away from the previous world. I’ve been covered by my Curator, he was the one, who gave me up to here.

    By the time my forces had been exhausted and a self-sufficient transition wasn’t being possible for me anymore. I got in this world where I've never been before, but in which the others hand, knew something about me. Quite a long time I’ve been recovering myself, my consciousness and now I’ve created a school, where I’m setting out some of the information known to me.

    My name is Avadon or Avva Don. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a Demon. At the time of the downfall of Atlantis we were about a hundred thousand Immortals Mages who received the First Initiation. We were the product of highly developed technology of an entire civilization of Atlantis (as it is called today). When disaster struck and killed about 9 billion people in 3 hours, most of us died too. But then we are back in this world and unlike the others, who have run wild and forgotten who they are, we have preserved the memory, Power and knowledge.

    Then we formed a corps of Progressors, which is working now. During this 67,000 years after the disaster gone, we've been working, trying to regain lost. I have heard many versions of the destruction of Atlantis and all sorts of arguments on the subject: "and we'll go the other way." All this talk comes from the usual empty windbags, who do not understand the types and directions of development of civilizations. I have over ten thousand years was a member of the Institution of the Magic "Lords of the Golden Cloud", which specializes in studying different types of civilizations.

    For thousands of years this institution has been studying the development of parallel worlds and any of the types of existing in their technological chains. Atlantean civilization was very advanced civilization in the category of Bio-civilizations. This civilization was lost, not because of some self-fault, but because of the war with an external enemy (Yeti Space War civilisation).

    When I speak about the program of reconstruction of civilization, I'm talking about what is happening, regardless of the opinions of amateurs. Get into this World traumatized; having lost almost all my Power, I spent years restoring my Magical state and the creation of assistant’s corps, who can work with Magical technologies. For my school adepts, I’m setting out the basic model of technology far in the future of this world.

    If we draw an analogy with the rate of development of other civilizations (in other Worlds), we can say that this technology of year 7000 of this World (let's call it Earth-34 on general classification). Here we are talking not only about technology, but also the evolution of human consciousness. What did the civilization of Atlantis with the help of high technology and then we have learned to do with Magic and trainings. Under the Magic are we here understand these modes of human consciousness, in which it can modify the external world (objective reality).

    In addition, Magical consciousness is not attenuated in subsequent births and is fully restored. In this aspect, we can speak about the personal immortality of the Mages. Mages, having this quality of consciousness, usually called "Immortals." At my school I am describing in general terms, the scientific paradigm of Atlantis.

    "I am the Mage of Atlantis, known in history as AvvaDon. My main specialization is transportation in hyperspace, also I am an expert in technologies of psychocracy . As a member of the Order for many incarnations, I was doing research in various worlds. In a previous incarnation, I received severe mental body trauma during the operation of the Order, to prevent the acquisition psychotronic weapons of Atlantis, German Nazis. The injuries threw me to the second level of magic, which has, made me an Adept. In terms of the paradigm of people first three castes, this trauma can be compared with the absence of limbs and head injuries. During the first part of my latest incarnation, I was restored under the supervision of Curators, was Initiated and participated in drafting of the Soviet's psychotronic weapons, and then was forced to flee into this world with the assistance of my Curator. In this world, I continued recovery, created a school, and now I'm in the beginning of level 3 ... "


    English Book - Wild Ride on a Pale Horse, or this Side of Magic

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  9. Feel free to suggest any new forum topics, sections or any other improvements.

    Initially we have started with just a few topics.

    Personal Development section is open only to people who are currently working on the project so no one else could see this section.

    In "Questions & Answers" you can ask any question relevant to any Forum topic.
    I will answer and move all the right questions to the right Forum topic after moderation.
    I decided to stop any new registrations and disable all topics reply due to enormous amount of spam messages. 

    As a main objective in Magic is to achieve full consciousness. Over time I intend to create a group where You understand that this will require a lot of time and effort. But when we start, we will learn from the scratch and a lot, where everything will fall into place to achieve some Magical altered states. 

  10. Magister 


    When people talk about Magick today, they usually refer to a system of prejudices and delusions that have survived until now in isolated groups of savages, living at the level of the Stone Age and compilations of pseudo-scientists and adventurers trying to speculate on the ignorance of the crowd and its desire for the miraculous. None of the “serious scientists” have a right to get into this scandalous area without the risk of being subjected to “excommunication” from “legitimate” science. On the other hand, in a world where about 80% of the world’s population is religious, it is very hard not to pay attention to the statements of religious figures.

    Not experiencing warm feelings for each other, leaders of different religious faiths converge on their negative attitude towards Magick. These figures just do not doubt the effectiveness of magickal knowledge, however, modestly considering that only their confession is having involvement in Divine providence, they write off all other religious trends, Magick, above all, which they also refer to religions, to the machinations of Satan and his henchmen.

    In connection with the foregoing, it seems to me it would be interesting to know the point of view of the Magi themselves. I must say that from time to time the press and television have an opportunity to speak out to those people who are somehow considered to be involved into Magick. However, watching such performances, I did not experience anything but astonishment. It seemed that there was a meeting with people who have a different system of perception of the world, based on a fundamentally different paradigm, BUT the conversation does not go beyond the discussion of whether these “magi” can heal a hernia or a headache. Despite all the experiments and developments in the field of distant biological interaction, the conversation about “biological fields” and the possibility of the existence of “psychics” have not left the stage of rumours and conversations for the last hundred years. The most correct and “orthodox” scientific research did not change this situation. Any demonstrations are perceived by eyewitnesses as a miracle or deception and, at best, are classified as a phenomenon. What are we dealing with here? With a genetically programmed mistrust, or with some peculiarity of human consciousness? And, perhaps, with God’s craft, which opposes the insidious machinations of the devil. In order to clarify the situation, I took the time to write this article.

    Magick through the eyes of the Magi.

    We ourselves consider Magick as a system of knowledge and, in no case, we associate it with beliefs in anything, and we are not adherents of any kind of religion, including Satanism. In this regard, Magi can be considered materialists. Magi consider themselves to be representatives of another civilization (not cosmic aliens) and feel in the modern world much the same way Miklouho-Maclay felt among the Papuans. In accordance with their views, the Papuans could consider him a god, devil or wizard, although he was a simple researcher with a European higher education.

    Civilization, the bearers of knowledge of which are Magi, died about 65 thousand years ago. By the time of its death, it had outstripped the level of development of modern civilization by about 5,000 years (this is much more than the difference between the level of development of European civilization and the civilization of the Papuans at the time of Miklouho-Maclay’s visit). At the peak of its development, this ancient civilization (of the Magi) was able to improve a person by changing a speed of one’s evolution as a biological species. The result of this work was a new species of people, later called Magi. These creatures formed a completely new type of society, built on other principles.

    One of the important (but not the only) differences of Magi is the ability of having so-called “continuous memory”. This mechanism allows the Magi, in subsequent incarnations (births or rebirths) to restore the memory of their previous incarnations. Such ability gives the Magi the opportunity to develop progressively, summing up the accumulated knowledge, and allows not to start from the beginning every time, as the rest of humanity does. As a result of this ability, Magi turned into a civilization of immortals.

    The destruction of the civilization of the Atlantis that spawned the Magi and the planetary cataclysm could not hurt them. Having been born again through the centuries in a changed world, they were all the same people who studied in Atlantis and absorbed its knowledge and wisdom. Continuing the path of accelerated evolution, these people developed new “transcendent” abilities in themselves.

    As it turned out, the evolution of man is divided into certain stages, which determine the specificity of one’s perception of the world and the definition of one’s role in it. Magi call these stages “castes” They distinguish four castes of people, representing four time segments of development of personality (the same, taking into account rebirth), during which certain types of consciousness differ from each other. The Magi themselves constitute the fourth caste of people, or the fourth stage in the evolution of man. In turn, this caste can also be divided into four stages, or levels. At the same time, the Magi of all these four levels are as seriously different from each other as the people of the four castes.

    Exploring the types of consciousness of people of different castes and of the Magi themselves, the Magi found that, having different types of consciousness, the representatives of these groups create quite different models of the world. So, for example, people of 1-3 castes live in the described world, the structure of which they do not really care about, while they prefer the simplest models. Most of all people of these castes are interested in mutual relations with each other. People of the fourth caste, on the contrary, prefer complex models, paying much attention to them, and they are not very interested in their relationships with other people. That is why there is a need for a religion as a simple and complete descriptive model of the world. Religions are only necessary for people of 1-3 castes.

    On the other hand, science is a dynamic, evolving model of the world that satisfies the needs of the consciousness of people of level 4.1. of the 4th caste. Magi (4.2 – 4.4 levels), like immortal beings, are not interested in modern science, since they actually have access to a system of models created by the Atlantis, that was 5,000 years ahead of all known achievements. That is Magick.  Magi are not interested neither in the construction of models nor in any new research of the surrounding world. Instead of that, Magi develop themselves, which increases their different types of abilities. The result of this development is the ability to personally verify the validity of the model of the world proposed by Magi. Thus, for Magi, their chosen model of the world is an object of direct knowledge.

    World of the Magi.

    The paradigm, or model of the World, where the Magi operate, is very complex in detail, but it is in general described very simply. The Magi’ model describes the world from the outside and from the inside. In other words, there are two connected models describing the same things and processes from these different points of view.

    The first paradigm can be described as an idealistic one, but in the world of computer science, it will not surprise anyone very much. The world exists as information. Each object is a kind of “word”, existing within a program that describes the world. The word, or a “true name” has 22 signs or digits. The program describes all the 22 interactions, based on the number of digits. This model is called a Cabalistic one. Knowledge in this category of Magick is associated with knowledge in the programming language (true language). In the same Model, the computer itself is described, in which all this information exists.

    There is an analogy between planetary consciousness and consciousness of a human. Fundamentally, we are conglomerates of cells, and our consciousness is a certain new quality that arises on the basis of the summation of the characteristics of a large number of units. The planetary consciousness, or consciousness of the biosphere, sums up the consciousnesses of organisms, viruses and crystals, giving out a new quality. Consciousness of the planets form the consciousness of the solar systems, consciousness of which forms the consciousness of the Galaxies. Thus, we come to the consciousness of the Universe, that by definition is the receptacle of everything. Thus, the entire existing world can be considered as a model constructed by this consciousness and existing only in information. Similarly, the known world is only a model built by our consciousness based on signals received from the senses. One should realise that there is no guarantee that the perceived picture is the same for everyone.

    The second model of the world, or the Magi paradigm, describes the world as a material world so-called Linear Magick, that describes the program from the inside. This is similar to the picture that appears on the display screen. In this paradigm, a 22-bit word is converted into a 22-dimensional object. Any objects will interact with each other by the described method and will become absolute material for each other.

    For example, if you imagine a world described by a program stored on a floppy disk, then the inhabitants of this world would consider it absolute material, and they would not believe in the computer. Moreover, no matter how much they dig the soil of their world with a shovel, they still would never go to the floppy disk. In that world, atheism can prevail – the lack of faith in the “programmer”, or religion will win – the belief in the “programmer” and his design. Religious fanatics may have a terrible idea of a lunch break or even the end of the “programmer’s” working day. Then “ The Apocalypse” will be written, or something else, even more terrible.

    Now, imagine that one of the inhabitants of this world came up with a programming language (“divine language”) and began to complete the program. In high-level languages, there are macros, and the utterance of these “evocation of angels” can greatly change the program. For example, a good Angel “create” will give the caller something useful, while the evil angel “remove” will destroy it, along with a piece of the program in which the unlucky sorcerer is.

    The world described by the Magi’s model consists of 22 dimensions. At the same time, people of different castes perceive the world in varying degrees. So for people of 1-3 castes the world is 3-dimensional. Magi of level 1 have a 4-dimensional perception, Magi of level 2 perceive the 7-dimensional world. At the same time for Magi of the 3rd level, the world is 9-dimensional. Finally, those who have reached the 4th level perceive 12-dimensional space, that is the maximum for the human structure of consciousness. Therefore, Magi of the 4th level transform into another form to acquire higher levels of consciousness and cease to be human, so we will not discuss here the properties of the Magi of the 5th level.

    The level of perception of 1-3 castes, inaccessible to the consciousness of people, is usually called the “world of spirits”. Consider an example: a flat man lives on a plane. He is a materialist and  believes only in the two-dimensional objects of his world. Now imagine that a fly flies over the plane. This flat man here does not believe in it. If it falls on its plane, then 6 objects will appear in the field of perception of a little man (fly’s paws), and they will be real for a two-dimensional materialist. A fly will be a “spirit” for him, but a completely ordinary fly for a three-dimensional observer. But Magi perceiving 4th or 7th dimensional space, have the vision of spirits (n-dimensional objects moving in n-dimensional space).

    Features of Magickal Consciousness.

    In order to talk about the consciousness of the Magus, you need to talk about the Assemblage Point, an organ that is available to any person and, outside the perception zone for people with three-dimensional consciousness. Functionally, the Assemblage Point is similar to the TV channel switch when you are watching TV, the world that you perceive corresponds to the television channel you are tuned on. When you switch the channel, you get to a completely different world, corresponding to the program of programs broadcast on this channel. Returning to the computer model of the world, we can say that the Assemblage Point mounts a program for us from a data of information, in accordance with some rule. The Assemblage Point also exists in crystals (living, or rather, intact), plants and animals, although it is only a reasonable creature (as we understand it) who is able to consciously operate with this organ.

    Magi say that the Assemblage Point “mounts” the world. Accordingly, for each individual, the remaining people and objects are external. As a result, there is a picture of the world, or a program that is resultant of all Assemblage Points. Magi call this picture of the world a ‘Covenant’. We can say that a number of programs are scrolled simultaneously on the computer, and by manipulating the Assemblage Point, you can move from one program to another, or travel between parallel worlds. Magi distinguish several types of movement (functioning) of the Assemblage Point, including vertical movement (relative to the human energy cocoon), transverse movement, and movement perpendicular to the cocoon – outward or inward. By “energy cocoon” one understands the length of the body from measurements that are beyond the limits of normal perception.

    Example: a ball is on the plane. For a flat man – the inhabitant of the two-dimensional world – the ball is a point (the point of contact with the plane). Two balls standing here on a plane can enter into interaction at a distance of two radii, which will be incomprehensible to a flat man, as there is a great distance between two points in his world. To explain the distant interaction, the little man will introduce the concept of “energy fields”.

    When the Assemblage Point moves vertically, the structure of the person changes. Imagine that we are projecting a fountain pen on the plane. At a perpendicular position, we see a circular spot on the plane, and when the projection angle changes, the shape of the projection of the object will change, too. Thus, when moving the Assemblage Point vertically, a person changes one’s appearance, in which case the movement of the Assemblage Point downwards changes the appearance of the person towards the animal’s beginning (remember the shadow theatre, where the actor’s hand can depict the wolf). When the Assemblage Point moves upward, a person is perceived as an Angel (a superhuman being). The Assemblage Point is fixed steadily in some position with the help of external energy. On the human body, there are seven vertical zones of possible fixation of the Assemblage Point (they are also called the Chakras). These zones correspond to the seven frequency ranges in which energy is exchanged with the organism of the planet. Depending on the caste, this exchange occurs in a more or less high frequency range (the higher the cast, the more high-frequency energy channel is used). The higher the Chakra is involved (as the fixing point of the Assemblage Point), the higher the level of human consciousness (the number of perceived dimensions of space). When the Assemblage Point moves across the cocoon, the Covenant, or the principle of assembling the world, changes. In other words, a person is displaced into a parallel world.

    Parallel Worlds.

    Magi view time as a measurement, while claiming that it is not one but two-dimensional. If changes and processes are associated with the first dimension, then the second dimension corresponds to the multi-variance of the events and is called the “time extension”. Thus, the process of program development becomes branching, when programs arise that are a branch from the original one. There is a structure here of a tree with a trunk and branches. The trunk represents the most likely course of the process, while branches are less likely pathways; all branches, in turn, also branch out, giving out increasingly less probable variants that eventually tend to zero (here we are confronted with the theory of limits). Between worlds, there are “transitions” – branch points; points of space that simultaneously have the physics (properties) of both worlds. Therefore, they are anomalous (anomalous zones) for both worlds. Once in such a zone, an ordinary person can move to a parallel world (its Assemblage Point has been rebuilt). Meanwhile Magi can move anywhere (if they have enough energy), and each of the worlds has a certain range of possibilities (like a river having not only length, but width).

    Accordingly, the terms of the Covenant (or description of the world and its physics) differ in the middle and on the edges of the range. Between worlds (Covenants), by analogy with television channels, lie unstructured zones (information arrays), called “subspace”. Coming out of space into the “subspace”, a person loses synchronization with the dimensionality of the space-time flow and can enter back at any point of space-time.


    Sooner or later, any civilization of densely populated space will discover the n-dimensional structure of the world and will come to the idea of subspace movements. However, this requires a fundamentally new technology. In particular, a ship that can move into a subspace is an artificial creature possessing an Assemblage Point with an artificially controlled movement. Inside such a ship there are several vehicles for moving in ordinary space. The “Ship uterus” goes into the subspace and synchronizes with the flow at any given point in space-time. The difficulty here is navigation; where, in practice, reconnaissance ships move at random and build spatial tunnels between the departure point and the point of their location. The coordinate is the material object, pulled out from the space-time point. It is “assembled” in accordance with the current Covenant and is the exact coordinate in space and time. The power of such a beacon here depends on its mass.

    Interdimensional tunnels.

    An object of another world, placed in this world, shifts the Assemblage Point of a person near it, although the impact energy may not be sufficient. To offset the Assemblage Point here, it is necessary to compensate for the energy of its fixation, which, as mentioned above, comes from the outside. To create spatial tunnels, various types of machines were built, one of which is the Labyrinth. The system of dark monotonous transitions, silencing any sounds, violates the person’s understanding of the space metric and, moreover, deprives the Assemblage Point of fixation energy. Placed in the center of the Labyrinth, a monolith brought from another world can set the Assemblage Point for new terms of the Covenant, that is to switch people to the perception of another world.

    The Minotaur, devouring people in a maze, is an ancient symbol of interdimensional tunnels that serve to transport colonists (victims of the Minotaur) from one world to another. The sign “minotaur” was usually placed on the monolith, indicating the danger in the Atlanteans.

    Incubator of Magi.

    Earlier it was said that the Atlanteans managed to get the Mages artificially. The machines of the Atlanteans used for this purpose, were called “sarcophagi”. “Sarcophagus” is an isolated zone of space (camera), which disconnects the Assemblage Point of a person placed inside it from the Covenant. By de-energizing the Assemblage Point, the “sarcophagus” creates a clot of energy with a controlled frequency. Deprived of fixation, the Assemblage Point is shifted into the wake of an externally-controlled clot of energy. Thus, it is possible to change the human caste by artificially moving the Assemblage Point. In addition, the “sarcophagus” can be used to move between worlds, shifting the Assemblage Point horizontally.

    Magick as a path of evolution.

    The Atlanteans managed to create Magi of the 2nd level. After the death of Atlantis and all its technologies, it was necessary to develop new methods for accelerating evolution. The position of fixing of the Assemblage Point difines the type of interaction with the outside world. Magi call it “magickal practices” or “Great Work.” The meaning of such an activity, unlike the usual method of committing acts, doesn’t consist from obtaining an external result, but from working out internal qualities (changing the position of fixing of the Assembly Point). Having worked out the technique, Magi created a network of schools on the planet, aimed at the evolution of mankind (in order to increase the society of Magi). For centuries, since the death of Atlantis, the magi of Atlantis continued their development, passing various levels. At this point, most of the Magi of Atlantis have transcended human evolution, ending their development on the 4th level of Magick. There are few Atlantis left in this world, delayed for various reasons, and a large number of students. There is also an important element in the development of the Magi, which is the secret of the transition from one level of Magick to another, called “initiation”, and it is associated with various methods of giving necessary energy to the Assemblage Point in order to fix it at the next level. In various traditions, various methods of “initiations” are used, but true initiations differ from profanations by real energy transfer. Moreover, “empowered” ones are often given all sorts of badges and certificates, but it makes no sense, either, as there is no point in giving the caterpillar a certificate that it is a butterfly. Whether it is a caterpillar or a butterfly, no evidence can help here.

    Secrets of the pyramids.

    Pyramids are part of the ancient technology of Atlantis, and it’s technology is associated with interstellar travel. We have already mentioned  about the directions of the displacement of the Assemblage Point and mentioned the possibility of shifting the Assemblage Point outward, perpendicular to the cocoon. With this offset, the Assemblage Point begins to read the Covenant at the point in the space where it moved. Magi call this phenomenon “exit from the body,” in the sense that a person is able, in this state, to perceive events occurring at a distance from the location of his physical body. However, the degree and method of perception depends on the level of consciousness of the Magus, so Magi of the 1st level have a 4-dimensional (“etheric”) consciousness and they are only able to perceive tactile sensations that are energetically”outside the body” . Magi of the 2nd level “energetically” perceive 7 dimensions (“astral plane”) and have the opportunity to see and hear from a distance (“clairvoyance” and “clairaudience”). Accordingly, the perception of Magi of 3rd and 4th level is much higher. In this case, Magi of the 4th level completely move from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them (teleportation).

    Pyramids are devices that displace the Assemblage Point to the outside (the projector). The basis of the action of the pyramids is a certain property of geometric forms in order to influence the properties of space (its homogeneity). As a result, a certain amount of “energy flow” arises, displacing the Assemblage Point of a person in a chamber (“sarcophagus”) located in the top golden section of the pyramid (one third of the distance from the top to the base of the pyramid). The ancient system of interstellar communications included, in addition to subspace tunnels, a system of “projectors” and “traps”. Traps are electrostatic capacitors (devices that accumulate atmospheric electricity (see descriptions of the “ark of the covenant”). Trapped by the traps, “energy bodies” received an “electric body” capable of physical interaction. Under particular conditions, such traps arise spontaneously and certain Spirits (often just objects that are outside the physical plane) are captured by them and receive electrical bodies (see information on ball lightning).

    Guests from other worlds.

    If the above-mentioned transition points between parallel worlds do exist, then objects must move. Of course, this can explain the many cases of disappearances of people. After all, it is not known where they were gone. There are, however, references to “returnees”, those who had disappeared, then after reappeared, and they give some strange descriptions. Some describe their getting into the past or the future, while others describe something even stranger. However, it is much more interesting when alien creatures enter our world. First of all, there are monsters of the London “Jack Skid” type – creatures more demonic than human-like. Next, come the strange black panthers whose invasions “out of nowhere” have devastated the pastures of England and Australia. This also includes all kinds of “Nessies”, giant monsters seen by witnesses in very small lakes that unable to feed the population of such monsters. In addition, reports of strange rockfalls and falling fish or frogs from the sky indicate the possibility of finding exits from the tunnels high above the ground. Furthermore, there are at least two messages about people who came to us from worlds with a different geography (where another course of events could have formed a different picture of the continents): there is one about a businessman arrested in the US, who had a passport issued in the country of Touareg, located, according to him, on an island near the coast of Africa. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital, afterward his tracks were lost. In another case, the corpse of a man was found on the street of a German city. He had a geographical map in his trouser pocket, but the outlines of the continents in this map differed from those nowadays.


    In this small review, the author, Boris Monosov, tried to highlight some aspects of Magick, based on the information available to him. The author is currently a Level 3 Magus and is one of the Magi of Atlantis incarnated in this world. Like all the Magi of Atlantis, the author deals with training issues and currently he heads the school of esoteric knowledge (Magick) “Atlantis”. To date, he has written 10 books on Magick, published more than a dozen articles. In addition, he is one of the Masters of the Order of “The Lords of the Golden Cloud”, of which the school of Magick, “Atlantis” is a part. Schooling includes 4 cycles of 10 lessons. The 1st cycle is theoretical and includes knowledge of Magick. The 2nd cycle is a practical one and it includes training related to the development of the ability to see energies (shift the Assemblage Point up). The 3rd cycle develops the ability to actively influence the surrounding world (the offset of the Assembly Point in the horizontal lines). The 4th cycle is a Magickal Workshop, in which framework various techniques are developed, regarding the ability to create and use Magick Instruments. Those who pass the trials enter the Magick Order. The members of the Magick Order of “The Lords of the Golden Cloud” work with the metric of space, the multiplicity of worlds and the transitions between them.

    St Petersburg 22.08.1999

    • Like 1
  11. The International Association Atlantis is an informal scientific community of organizations and individuals studying the heritage of the ancient civilizations of the Earth.
    Within the framework of the Association, seminars are held related to the dissemination of knowledge already obtained as a result of research.
    In addition to seminars, conferences are held by active participants in research expeditions.
    The educational activities in the Association are carried out by certain commercial organizations that master the studied technologies in practice.
    Members of the Association create a common trading space for the implementation of technological advances obtained in the process of studying ancient cultures.
    The Atlantis Association is a non-religious organization and brings together participants from different countries belonging to different spiritual teachings.
    In its work, the Association uses the achievements of various sciences, including anthropology, ethnography, history, physics, and medicine.

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  12. Music Genius!

  13. Power Place is the region of subtle or powerful energies where the observed anomalous phenomena that are inconsistent with the official science. Sephire's projection point on the Earth's surface. Here are few famous examples:

    Crop Circles - Star of David

    Crop Circles - Firefox:

    Crop Circles - Three

    UFO over Australia: 

    USA, Area-51

    Points in the Area-51

    Star in Area-51

    Pyramid in the Area-51

    HAARP in Alaska. Research of atmosphere ionization Station. Could be secret weapon of the USA.

    Just a strange place

    Cross in circle

    A strange place

    The Indian in the headphones

    Inscriptions on the snow

    Islands in Bahrain


    USA, Mountain of Devil

    Peru, Plato Nazca

    Cambodia, Angkor

    England, Stonehenge

    Nepal, Kailash

    USA, Death Valley

    Mexico, Teotihuacan, Temple of Quetzalcoatl

    Temple of the Sun

    Temple of the Moon

    Suburb of Sedona, Arizona

    Star of David, the border of Ukraine

    Easter Island

    Inrush of the Tunguskian explosion

    Kola Peninsula, Lake Seydozero

    Perm, Triangle


    Village "Okunevo",Russia

    Devil's mound


    Area "Zhitkur"

    Boiling Lake



    Temple of Abu Sinbel. Egypt

    Valley of the Kings, Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Egypt

    Luxor, Egypt

    Karnak, Egypt

    Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

    The complex of Baalbek, Lebanon

    Famous abandoned city of St.Peter in Jordan.

    The Potala Palace of Lhasa. Tibet


    The Pearl-Qatar

    The Pearl-Qatar(2)

    Niagara Falls




    Modern geoglyphs:

    Modern geoglyphs:(2)

    Turkish flag:

    Graveyard of old planes, Tucson, Arizona



    Horse in the UK

    Horse with a rider:

    Jesus loves you:

    Plane in the bushes

    Solar Observatory Chankillo or Chanquillo in the mountains of Peru, about 500 year BC

    Markings in the form of stone towers

    The ancient city of Caral. Peru. The complex of ancient buildings, pyramids and palaces.

    Yakut kimberlite pipe

    Rishat structure, located in the Sahara Desert

    The temple in Abydos

    Valley of the Kings

    Temple of Queen Hatshepsut


    Temple of Abu Simbel

    Crop Circles 

    Crop Circles 2 

    Island Onekotan the lake inside the volcano and in the middle of the lake

    And here, too, an interesting place - mosaic on the ground:

    Wild camels

    Animals running on water 

    Drawings in the Nasca Desert

    Buenos Ayros, UFO resembling a boat:

    India. Agra. Taj Mahal


    Mexico, Teotihuacan (Aztec City):

    Peru, the facial image in the mountains, the size 5h4km:


    Peru, the ancient capital of Cuzco, the archaeological complex of Sacsayhuaman 

    ? -1










    A river of hippos

    Fortress in the form of a star


    Ancient Cemetery

    Purple River 



    Element of Earth


    It looks like a UFO in the garden:

    The skeleton of a blue whale:



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      Posted 08 October 2010 - 09:41 PM

      Power Places

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          Posted 04 October 2010 - 12:04 AM

          This section is for all the images that relevant to the Magic.
          Useful for the visualization practices. 


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            Posted 04 October 2010 - 05:32 PM

            Mages of Fire

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                Posted 04 October 2010 - 06:23 PM

                Mages of Air

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                    Posted 04 October 2010 - 06:24 PM

                    Mages of Earth

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                        Posted 04 October 2010 - 06:32 PM

                        Mages of Water

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                            Posted 07 October 2010 - 08:47 PM

                            Swords of Fire

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                                Posted 07 October 2010 - 08:53 PM

                                Wands of Air

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                                    Posted 07 October 2010 - 08:58 PM

                                    Cups of Water

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                                        Posted 07 October 2010 - 09:02 PM

                                        Pentacles of Earth

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                                            Posted 08 October 2010 - 12:23 AM


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                                                Posted 08 October 2010 - 01:39 AM


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                                                    Posted 08 October 2010 - 01:43 PM

                                                    Element of Fire

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                                                        Posted 08 October 2010 - 02:03 PM

                                                        Element of Air

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                                                            Posted 08 October 2010 - 02:10 PM

                                                            Element of Water

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                                                                Posted 08 October 2010 - 02:25 PM

                                                                Element of Earth

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                                                                    Posted 08 October 2010 - 02:51 PM


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                                                                        Posted 08 October 2010 - 02:59 PM

                                                                        Mages of Death

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                                                                            Posted 08 October 2010 - 05:42 PM

                                                                            Dragon - Fire Clan Totem

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                                                                                Posted 14 October 2010 - 05:49 PM


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                                                                                Posted 30 October 2010 - 08:10 AM



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                                                                                Posted 30 October 2010 - 08:10 AM

                                                                                Mages of Life

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                                                                                  • Chakra - energy reception/perception center, which connects person with the external System (under System* we mean the external information, set of phenomena which surround a human being). Each person, according to own caste (level of System* perception), has a particular character of chakras' circling, that defines the quality of interaction with the world. It's worth mentioning that one may observe the number 7 set in other aspects of space functioning: seven notes; seven days in a week; spectrum of colors etc.


                                                                                  • Gradual and consecutive learning is the very important key to the awareness of the information.

                                                                                    Do not chase or try to overtake someone on the path. When exchanging of experiences, do not cheat yourself. Do not try to increase of the self-esteem due to yours magical achievements. Treat yourself with humour. Most of the big mistakes were made with a serious face. Try to use a rational critic of yourself, take a time and be patient. Frequently odd statement with questions as: "Who do I want to become in the past incarnations?" - will disappear as soon as start to explore aspects of assembling the personality. Trust yourself and the system of knowledge and then you will achieve the desired result. Do not be discouraged if something does not work and do not admire of success, if you have surpassing some other students. This is not only an ethical problem, but question of conserving the Power, which is necessary to move along the path. All your actions are changing yourself, but from the moment you took the path of Magic even your thought is starting to change your life. More precisely, it always changes you, but now that the further you advance, the greater will be changes. Now you need to learn to be disciplined not only at the level of behaviour, but also at the level of thinking. However, the accumulation of forces and work with directional changes in ourselves and the world will be discussed in more detail. 

                                                                                  • Sephirotic Magic

                                                                                    Sephirotic Magic based on the idea, which lies in the fact that the human mind is included in the planetary consciousness. From the Mages point of view, planetary consciousness regarded as a multi-tier hierarchical system like the brain of a living organism.Depending on the position of the individual minds inside the hierarchy of the planetary consciousness, people are divided into castes. And members of higher castes are interacting with the higher part of planetary consciousness. The planetary consciousness is not isotropic and has zones with the different properties. Those zones called “Sephires”. Each Sephirah is the area of the planetary consciousness vibrating on the same “frequency”. The stable flows of energy, circulating between 10 “Sephires” produces 22 channels or paths. When human consciousness’s aligns with the channel, he becomes parts of the channel, and acquires the properties associated with it. Each Sephirah has its own name, meaning some of its inherent quality and the channel is a numeric number and associated trump card from the Tarot deck (Major Arcana). The diagrammatic representation of the topology of the planetary consciousness is known as “The Tree of the Sephiroth”.



                                                                                    Tree of the Sephiroth Structure.

                                                                                    In this diagram circles denote Sephires, and the lines - channels. Sephirah are vibrators, which run on the same frequency. These vibrators are the same areas that generate rhythms of the brain. Channels are waveguides that connect the Sephirah. Human consciousness’s, interact with the channels, conducting and processing the information circulating in them. Each Sephirah has its own name, meaning some of its inherent quality and the channel is a numeric number.
                                                                                    In total there are 10 Sephires and 22 channels. Based on the scheme of energy circulation in the Sephiroth Tree, you can divide people into certain levels of interaction or, as in magic, "awareness". People, who interact with the channels from 22 to 18, belong to the caste of 1 - 3. Those, who interact with the 17 channels, belong to a caste of Level 4 (Mages of level 1). Mages 2nd levels interact with the channels from 16 to 10. Mages of 3rd level, correspond to channels 9 to 5. Mages 4th level, interact with the channels from 4 to 1.
                                                                                    The diagram shows that the 22 channels, only 3 are horizontal. These three channels share the human perception of three levels, taken in Magic: the physical world, astral and mental world. 
                                                                                    Triangle formed by the channels 20, 18, and 17 conventionally called the etheric world. These levels are simply designate areas of human perception of the world. Twenty-two channels make 22 quality or dimensions of this world. Physical three-dimensional world is formed by the channels 21, 22, 19.
                                                                                    In order to attune the person with the right channel are the so-called Major Arcana Tarot, which includes 22 cards - the configuration tables. Cards represent pictogram - pictures, consisting of the principles, or glyphs. Individual glyphs represent a system of guidelines for setting up of consciousness to the desired state. 
                                                                                    Matter of our Universe consists of matter, formed on the principle of the law of five elements. In Magic made graphical representation of the law.


                                                                                      The Four Elements.

                                                                                      The four elements represent aggregate states of matter: gas, liquid, plasma, solid. The fifth element - Aether is a living substance. 
                                                                                      Our universe is bordered by the other worlds that have some aggregate state of matter similar to the aggregate state of our universe. For example, the world's elements of Fire, in its composition have plasma, similar to plasma in our world and worlds elements of Air have in their composition gas, the same gas in our world. The remaining aggregate states may be different.
                                                                                      In case of contact into our world of objects from the world of Water, we'll take it as a liquid, possesses the property of fluidity, no matter what the object is in his world. People, perceive the physical world, have a minimum shift to element, which leads to significant deviations in the body. For example, the shift on the Fire causes an increase in temperature, on the water swelling, on Earth - the growth of stones, in the air - flatulence. 
                                                                                      Do Mages level 1 displacement of many more, but it does not affect the state of the organism, but behaviour. An increase in the level of perception, the Mage is increasingly shifting to the elements, and each in that side, which for him is most favourable.




                                                                                        Minor Arcana Tarot shows the structure of our universe, showing the displacement of the Mages on the elements. However, in common systems of Tarot cards are usually displayed only four elements. In this case, the Fire corresponded suit "Spades" or "Swords", the Water corresponds to a "Hearts" or "Cups", the Air - "Clubs" or "Rods", Earth Diamonds" or "Pentacles". Each suit begins with "two", showing that inside there is a certain zero spot, extending from conditional zero to "twos" in all directions. The magic of the second level extends from twos to tens, where Pages mean the transition to the Magic of 3rd level, stay on that, proceeds beyond the perception of ordinary people. Magic of 3rd level extends from Pages to the Kings. Mages of 4th level, correspond to Aces. Aces mark the boundaries of the universe, or the Treaty. Increasing the level of consciousness, Mages shifted to the elements, acquiring skills in the Magic of an element. 
                                                                                        Work with Major Arcana in the Sephirotic Magic called Ritual Magic, and tuning to a Major Arcana - a ritual. 
                                                                                        Work with Minor Arcana called Practical Magic and the interaction with the specific Minor Arcana - practice.



                                                                                          "St. James Ladder".

                                                                                          Each suit consists of 14 cards, or "steps", to form a kind of ladder, in Magic called a "St. James Ladder ", which leads to the boundaries of our universe. Thus, in its development, each Mage is shifting by Major Arcana, signifying a shift of an Assemblage Point (C. Castaneda) on verticals, and the Minor Arcana determining the position of the Assemblage Point by other coordinates of the Treaty. So, Fire corresponds to the signal amplitude, Water - frequency, Earth - modulation, Air - noise.
                                                                                          Shifting to one of the elements, the Mage learns to manipulate the parameters of the Treaty. Before moving on to the level 3, Mage can move by the elements rather freely in any direction, once goes to level 3, he gets the final properties of the elements and become a member of the Magic of society.
                                                                                          Magical society consists of orders that include Mages of this level. So, the Mages, "located in Pages” called "Arbiters", Knights mean "Directives", Queens - "Observer", the Kings - "Decisive" and the Aces - "Solvents".


                                                                                        • Full consciousness.

                                                                                          This quality arises in the transition from the level of 4.1 (Psychics) at the level of 4.2 (Healers), which is associated with changes in the structure of human consciousness. By analogy with the computer, the human mind can imagine with two levels of memory (awareness of information). In the computer, the entire amount of memory is broken into discs (C, D, E, F ...). One can imagine the human mind, just divided into two areas: 1 - "personality" or "I" 2 - "subconscious" or "not I", "not me"). In the region of "I" kept the whole experience of the individual from birth until the present moment, as in "not me" area, stored experience of the same individual, gained in previous lives. There is a certain threshold of consciousness "I", which is associated with the signal level. You can say "not I" - is being, or beings, the consciousness which recorded by a very weak signal (a sharp decrease in the signal, occurs at the time of death). However, the energies of all the "past I", are summarized, and one can imagine the moment, at which this amount will reach the "threshold of sensitivity." Then all the experience gained in previous lives, will be available for the "I". This occurs during the transition to level 4.2.
                                                                                          Obtaining the "full consciousness" is the final step, which is going on in all the subsequent birth of this man, since the critical mass or threshold amount of energy, required for "full consciousness", has already passed. This ability (or quality) is the first step in gaining full of immortality, which is fully manifested at the level of 4.4. Here immortality looks like a continuous chain of births and deaths by the same person that keeps self-awareness after death and new birth. Such a person does not begin with every new birth of its first development (movement along the spiral), as it does with the mortal (caste 1-4.1), and continues his life in the next incarnation, gaining new experiences (the step-by-step in the development of personality). This makes it possible to accelerate the evolution of consciousness and go to the "vertical" (fast accelerated) evolution. Such a person may act consistently over many lives in pursuit of some kind of goal or purposes. 

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