! Администратор Maximilian Опубликовано 16 февраля, 2019 ! Администратор Опубликовано 16 февраля, 2019 1. Evolution of Man. Man is going true a long evolution of consciousness, stretched into many incarnations, some of which takes place on the Earth. There are several types of personal evolution on the Earth. Lets look at three different ways. One of them stems from the fact that the Monad (an informational core of the personality or "Soul") is appearing as new cell of Consciousness of the planet Earth. Further evolution of this person is going on here on the Earth. The second option is associated with the creation of artificial Monad, possibly by aliens or representatives of ancient civilizations. Such personalities, being products of genetic engineering, may have Monad, which was originally written by the creators. In this case, a part of qualities can be inscribed in the original Monad, which is very accelerates the course of personal evolution. A third option of the Monad may look like this: an alien ship is crashes on the Earth. Crew dies on this planet, and begins to incarnate here. In this case, the Earth Monad is formed as external armour on the alien’s Monad. Thus, we may consider three options of the evolution of the human Monad on the Earth. 1. Natural option. 2. An artificial option. 3. Variant the "Pearl" (the Earth type Monad is formed on top of an alien Monad). The evolution of human consciousness occurs within a few steps. These stages are called Castes. In the ancient history of humanity was existed a caste society, traces of which survived to our time. In total there are 4 people’s castes, with the latter fourth cast can be divided into 4 levels. Therefore, the entire system consists of seven grades. This is corresponding to seven energy channels - Chakras, as described in the Indian tradition. During the evolution of the Monad, going through many births (reincarnations) of this particular person, there is a shift occurs of Assemblage Point from one Chakra to another. (The concept of the Assemblage point was introduced to Western world by C.Castaneda). Each chakra is associated with its frequency band of radiation. Thus, the evolution of the Monad can be considered as a set of experiences in seven frequency bands. This gained experience can be considered as the formation of information structures. In this case, it is clear that for each frequency band there will be a limited information capacity. Saturation of this capacity will mark the transition to the next level or to the next caste. #2Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 14 October 2010 - 10:57 AM 1.1. Evolution of Man as a biological species. Man, as a representative of the biological species, evolves. During the existence of the planet Earth, this specie will pass through the process of evolution from being A (proto man), to being B (perfect man). We can assume that the A being corresponds to the low-frequency Chakra (Muladhara Chakra), and the B being - the most high-frequency chakra (Sahasrara Chakra). Of course the B being in their properties must be different from the A being. In the course of the evolution of the Monad, the ratio between the energies of the body (low-frequency Chakras) and consciousness (high-frequency Chakras) is shifting towards increasing of the energy of consciousness. Three lower chakras are related to the body energies. Four upper chakras are associated with the consciousness energies. (The vertical axis of the body on which all the chakras are located and one chakra - Anahata (The Heart Chakra), is slightly shifted to the left.) Chakras, which control the energies of the body, stream through energy flows, that regulates the internal processes of the body. Chakras, controlling Consciousness are carrying out the streams of energy, which shapes human behaviour. The main difference between the first three castes and the fourth, is that these people live in the Treaty (Agreement, virtual world), and couldn’t influence on it with their consciousness, and the fourth caste people, have such a strong consciousness, that they are able to change the Treaty. This ability to impact on the Treaty increases from first sub-level of the 4-th caste to fourth sub-level of the 4-th caste. These new properties of the human consciousness called Siddhas (or highest powers, highest abilities). These abilities are correlated with increasing of density (massiveness) of the energy of consciousness, which makes possible its interaction with the Treaty. The first, second and third people's castes consciousness is occupied with creating behaviour algorithms. Those algorithms of the effective behaviour in the society, are the subject of training and education for the people of the first 3 castes. Such thinking is associated with dominant function of the left hemisphere. The 4-th caste people have active (disinhibited) right hemisphere (sometimes left-handedness) and can change the Treaty (objective reality) by their consciousness directly. The ability to interact with the outside world for first sub-level of the 4-th caste means the possibility to feel (see, perceive, percept) energies emitted by live objects. This ability is known as E.S.P. - extra sensory perception. #3Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 14 October 2010 - 12:06 PM 1.2. Evolution of The Personality. Along with the evolution of the species "human", occurs the evolution of the individual. This evolution involves several steps, which, as mentioned above, called castes. Each caste has clear boundaries and signs, and, above all, different from other by its work in the range of one of the 7 chakras. Physically, this means a maximum of the emitted and absorbed radiation in a narrow frequency range. #4Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 14 October 2010 - 01:25 PM 1.2.1. The First Cast - Labourers. (The Shudras). It’s generating the maximum emission in the "red" Muladhara chakra. The very first cast, in which starts the formation of personality, called "labourers”. Basis for creating a new identity is a formation of a new point (cell) in the planet Earth consciousness. During such process of creating this new point, all consciousness of the planet is reflected in it. This new point doesn't have individuality yet, but on a subconscious level is connected to the System. Hence is the paradox of "Ivan the Fool". (A character found in folklore of many peoples. A very simple-minded, but nevertheless lucky young man. His simplicity and lack of guile often cause him to be the recipient of mystical gifts as a reward.). A human being by itself represents nothing as a personality, does not have knowledge and education, but on a subconscious level (without thinking) he capable of insight and committing of totally right actions. The purpose of this caste is the formation of personality. The human body of the First caste is a stamp of the genome type and has the minimum distortion obtained from the genotype of the parents. These people have a large stock of health and longevity. They have a very strong resistance to disease (high immunity), but in case of illness they almost did not heal (similar to an electric light bulb burns out instantly). These people are capable only to a very simple job, but doing it well, because their mind does not distract them from the work. In the process of interaction with the outside world, they receive individual differences. Simple physical work helps them to form a Monad (soul) and is a condition for their development. If a person of the 1-st caste dies prior to his Monad formation, then his personality will disappear without a trace and without a possibility of subsequent incarnations. Therefore, in caste societies, people of other castes are trying to avoid contact with them (“Untouchables”), so as not to disrupt the process of identity formation. Once finished to form a Monad, a person goes over to the next caste, called by "Merchants." #5Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 14 October 2010 - 02:25 PM 1.2.2. The Second Cast - Merchants. (The Vaishyas). Maximum energy located in the area of sexual chakra – Swadhisthana, in "orange" range of frequencies. Forming a monad, human consciousness is embedded in a circle of identical consciousnesses. They already formed personality, but not yet developed a communication skills for information exchanging (monad has an informational nature).The main occupation of the second caste people is communication. Gaining experience in the art of communication, people of this caste, perform negotiations, receiving new information. Without producing new material product, they live by the difference in needs for goods in different territories. Cheap agricultural products originated in the agricultural areas, sold more expensive in industrial zones. Cheap industrial products are expensive in agricultural areas. The main quality of these people is the art of negotiations. #6Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 14 October 2010 - 03:09 PM 1.2.3. The Third Caste - Warriors. (The Kshatriyas). This cast is in the frequency range of the "yellow" Manipura chakra. Having mastered the art of communication, the person begins to participate in building society. At this stage, he learns to obey and subordinate. Will and strength of spirit gained here. The Warriors all time testing each other for stability. The Warriors are seeking for their place in society. They govern the two lower castes. The Warriors become rulers and leaders of the human world. #7Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 14 October 2010 - 03:09 PM 1.2.4. The Fourth Caste - Sages. (The Brahmins). This cast is in the frequency bands of the four upper chakras and, accordingly, it is divided into four levels (subcastes). Common to all the Sages (or traditionally "Mages") that their consciousness changes the objective reality. People of this caste have many differences from the people of the first three castes. The main difference can be called a different system of motivation. The main motivation for the people of the first three castes is in the realization of procreation (to live for own children). For people of the fourth caste, the dominant target is a personal development. Hence is completely different life duration: for the first three castes, it is associated with being relevant (wanted, on demand) from family, wider - kinship, even wider - the tribe. For the fourth caste, life expectancy, only limited opportunity for further development in these conditions. With increasing levels (from 1 to 4) dependence from the society is reduced and the opportunity for growth of consciousness increases. Thus, even at the third level of fourth caste person can be virtually immortal. Besides, with the growth of caste, the proportion between the physical body and the energy information structure, surrounding it, changing in the direction of increasing of non-material information components this way, which for the fourth level of the fourth caste, the concept of birth and death disappears, because these people become fully informative field structures. #8Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 16 October 2010 - 02:14 PM 2. The Perfect Man. In the evolution of human consciousness, as part of the planetary consciousness of Earth, there is some limit point of evolution, above which the existence is no longer in need of the planet. Such a creature can be considered as a unit of solar system consciousness. Thus, speaking about human evolution on Earth, we can restrict the description of the first three castes of people (potentially mortal, that is, those for whom death and birth are essentially granted) and the fourth caste, which again has four levels (potentially immortal humans, that is, those for whom birth and death is optional.) #9Maximilian Admin ! Administrator 82 posts Gender:Male Posted 27 November 2010 - 01:17 PM Time is money. The percentage of castes in society varies, depending on the goals of society. The duration of the passage of caste increases accordingly from the bottom up. With the active construction, agriculture or industrial structures – incarnate the first caste, for the most progressive development that requires, we’ll say 10 000 euro. This includes a study of the specialisation, basic tools, simple technique and equipment. When developed trade – the second cast, where rapid developments qualities required training, roughly 50 000 euros. Development of the psychological behaviour model in the trading environments, work with banking, some finance operations, etc. Where conducted the war, in the broadest sense of the phrase, respectively, appears the third caste. You could imagine understand how much can cost training and equipment of the elite military units, or perhaps the agent James Bond. For the fourth caste, should actively develop science. To accelerate the development of which, in our case requires a constructive approach to the study of various aspects of magic (seminars, online training, books, movies, etc.). And also require the laboratory, magical machines, artifacts, talismans that can accelerate the evolution of the consciousness. Theme of the artifacts will be described in more detail. Цитата
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